About Texas Skill Standards
The Texas Workforce Investment Council (TWIC), established by the Texas Legislature in 1993, has strategic planning and evaluation oversight of the Texas workforce development system. In 2015, the Texas Skill Standards Board was abolished and its powers and duties were transferred to this 19-member council composed of representatives from business, labor, education, and community-based organizations, as well as its five state agency partners.
The TWIC is charged with the administration of a statewide system of industry-defined and industry-recognized skill standards for major skilled, sub-baccalaureate occupations with strong employment and earnings opportunities. The purpose of a Texas system of voluntary skill standards, consistent with its related legislative mandates and objectives, is to strengthen the ability of Texas’ industry to be competitive in the global economy.
Role and Major Functions
The TWIC’s role is to facilitate and promote the Texas skill standards system by serving as a liaison between industry groups and community and technical colleges in the development and usage of skill standards. Its major skill standards-related functions include:
Skill Standards Development and Recognition
- Convene industry groups to develop new skill standards.
- Validate existing, nationally-established industry standards.
- Provide quality assurance by recognizing skill standards based on established validity and reliability criteria.
Skill Standards Awareness and Usage
- Promote the use of standards and credentials in curriculum development.
- Provide technical assistance to community and technical colleges to integrate skill standards in their workforce programs.
Skill Attainment: Certification and Credentialing
- Recognize workforce programs of Texas community and technical colleges that have integrated skill standards into the curricula.
- Facilitate the portability of skills by recognizing standards and credentials across states and nations.